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Xenoestrogens & Making Fat Loss Work

Hormones are one of the least understood functional aspects of losing weight and losing belly fat. People will often think that the roles of hormones are as simple as estrogen: women, testosterone: men but it is much more complicated in reality.The fact is, regardless of your sex, you will produce very similar hormones, just in different amounts. The problem with the estrogen hormone is becoming more and more apparent to many people as we generally start to put on more and more weight and experience various other undesirable health symptoms such as osteoporosis and the dreaded "man-boobs". The key thing to realize here is the massive link between the estrogen hormone (including xenoestrogens) and health problems, ultimately including stubborn fat.
Xenoestrogens are synthetic, chemical substances which behave like estrogen hormones in the body. Exposure to these chemicals, then, leads to a massive array of problems in the body including belly fat. These substances, I might add, have only been in existence (as commercially produced, industrial chemicals) for about 70 years and during that time the population of our western world has steadily gotten fatter.
So, how do we avoid xenoestrogens becoming a problem?

  • Give up conventional meats and switch to organic (especially poultry) as they are a large source of xenoestrogens. This is a hard step to take for many people simply because of the exorbitant costs of organic meats but make this step and it will make a huge difference.
  • Avoid parabens (in lotions)
  • Stay away from insecticides, pesticides and lawn care products
  • Switch to an organic diet in general and you will reduce xenoestrogen exposure by 50% or more
  • Never heat food in plastics in the microwave and avoid the use of soft plastics wherever possible as harmful xenoestrogens leach out of these plastics (like cling wrap) and into your food
  • Check out this list of xenoestrogens and make any necessary changes (the ones I've mentioned above are the major ones that will make the biggest difference to your results with fat loss)
One of the main issues with fat loss and losing belly fat is hormonal imbalances and it's generally due to xenoestrogens for the large part. Take these out of the equation and losing weight will be much easier. You'll feel fresher, have more energy and get better results with losing belly fat and get a flat stomach faster.

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