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Not Your Usual Top 10 Fitness Tips From An Expert

Now, I know a lot of fitness experts have compiled a "top 10" list of fitness and weight loss tips but I wanted to do something a little different. What I've done here is looked at some highly respected fitness professionals and compiled a "top 10 list" of each of their number 1 tips. Make sense?
So here goes, 
  1. Write down our goals and be specific. Don’t just say, "I want to loose weight." A good example may be "To loose ten pounds by June 1st". When we write down our goals, they become more realistic and easier to achieve, because they are more then just a random thought. Just like when you need to reach a new destination by car. If you don't have directions, you may never get there. Get a map and you will! By Fawnia Mondey
  2. Get real and be specific. Write down three or four realistic goals that you can stick to. For example, "I will try to lose one pound of body fat every week. I will walk for 30 minutes minimum five days a week." Avoid fantasy-land goals that will only frustrate you. By Dr. Pamela Peeke
  3. Work out regularly! Always remember that it is more important to have a quality workout than to have a long one. However, you should try to progressively increase the time spend working out from twenty minutes to an hour. You can work out harder when you`re full of energy. By Alice D.
  4. This is the easy one that everyone knows but doesn’t always practice: exercise or diet alone won’t work. An exercise routine and healthy food plan based around your lifestyle is the best way to lose body fat, tighten muscles and increase energy so think of the two as inseparable. By
  5. Get into the habit of being active. Don't just rely on your "exercise" sessions to keep you fit. Use the stairs, walk to the shop, go for a bike ride with your family, go for a walk at lunch, etc… eg. A one hour fast paced walk with the dog is a great exercise session! By Go Personal Training.
  6. Find out how many calories you need. By Gloria Tsang, RD.
  7. When you first feel a pang of hunger, don't reach for the regular sugary carbo snack, instead, reach for an 8 oz. glass of clean purified water.  This will suppress the feeling of hunger that's often mistaken when the body really wants water anyway.  Be sure you are drinking lots of clean water throughout the day because the last sign of dehydration is a dry mouth. By
  8. Reward yourself. rewards are great motivators, so allow yourself a treat, such as your favorite burger or an extra beer once or twice per week. This will stop you from cracking under the pressure and giving up. By Evan Campbell
  9. PLAN, PLAN, PLAN. Don’t wing it. By Holly Rigsby
  10. Set Realistic and Tangible Goals. Simply stating that you want to lose weight is not effective. Be specific. For example, I want to lose 5 pounds of fat by February 14th. By Lynn VanDyke

So there you have it! 10 top fitness experts from all around the world and their number 1 tip. I think it's safe enough to say that from all that, the major points that are agreed on by most of them are:
  • Plan your goals and set it out on paper 
  • Take action by changing exercise habits
  • Give yourself rewards
  • Increase your water consumption
So if you're just starting out, you now have a good solid foundation to help you lose weight, lose stomach fat and get fit.