It's a well known fact that leg exercises are one of the best kind of exercise you can do to help you burn more fat and increase your metabolism. This is simply because your leg muscle group is the largest muscle group in your body and will therefore do more work.
We've talked about losing stomach fat already so I'm sure you are well and truly familiar with the concept that in order to burn fat you need to increase your lean muscle mass. This is one reason that leg exercises are always going to be good to help you get abs. Certain leg exercises though, will actually target your abdominal muscles as well as your legs in what's called a "functional" abdominal exercise.
With these certain exercises, you not only maximize your fat burning and metabolism boosting potential, you actually work out your stomach muscles as well.
So what are these "magic" exercises?
Anything that requires a fast motion hip extension/flexion motion will work your abs. This includes, simple jumping (leaping), depth jumps, burpees, long jumps and even jump squats.
So, it's as simple as that I'm afraid, real results with fat burning and abdominal development doesn't have to be a complicated issue. Lose belly fat more effectively and boost your metabolism by incorporating these awesome leg/ab exercises into your workouts.