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How Breathing Can Help You Lose Tummy Fat

Correct breathing techniques have long been sidelined in the world of fitness. People will often under-play the importance of this vital part of performing exercise and utilize poor breathing while working out resulting in lower results, injuries and ultimately a poorly executed workout.
The whole point of breathing is to feed oxygen into your blood, relax your body and perform efficiently. When you use poor breathing you reduce your oxygen levels, your muscles become less relaxed and you feel more stressed. By using proper breathing methods as a part of your workout, not only can you increase your oxygen intake and have more relaxed muscular control but you will also be more effective at burning fat.
The major reason for this is that by breathing properly during a set, you will most likely be able to handle more weight than otherwise.
What is proper breathing then?
Well technically, you will breathe in on the eccentric (easier) phase and out on the concentric (harder) phase. So when pushing a barbell, breath out whilst pushing it up and in while it comes back down. This gives you an advantage in being able to exert more force with the same amount of movement therefore allowing you to lose stomach fat at an increased rate.
So don't take breathing for granted, it will, with many other things, offer a cumulative affect in enabling you to speed up your metabolism and lose more belly fat to expose your abs.