So where then, do we find enough energy after a day or a week of busy work, family, study and life? Well, I say that the major key is finding balance. And the most important aspect of succeeding in finding energy is to not let a lack of energy stop you!
Many people find that after committing to just 1 minute of exercise (which doesn't require much energy at all), they feel more energized and will usually continue for a minimum of 15 minutes.
It can be challenging at times to get over that first hurdle but it certainly doesn't require any physical energy to overcome the first hurdle (ie. making the decision to exercise).
So it might work something like this:
- You feel low on energy, but know you need to exercise
- You sit around for days lacking energy and therefore motivation for exercise is low
- You feel sorry for yourself and don't get any
- You feel low on energy, but know you need to exercise
- You have made a mental commitment to exercise for at least 1 minute per day
- You end up doing at least 15 minutes of exercise per day
- You feel great, get fitter, start losing belly fat and have more energy
Image courtesy of http://www.herbalvitality.info/isotonic-sport-drinks.jpg