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3 Ways To Fit Exercise Into A Busy Schedule

I know far too many people who don't do enough for their health and fitness because of work commitments. It's absolutely devastating for me to see people prioritizing their work before themselves. Unfortunately though, that is often just the way that life is. With tighter and tighter time constraints due to work, family and other commitments, it becomes more and more difficult to motivate yourself into exercising.
So how do you get past this hurdle?

1. Get your mindset right - A very important part of everything is of course, your mind set and where exercise sits on your list of priorities. Write a list of the 10 most important activities in your life and rank them in importance. This is likely to make you instantly more aware of how importance exercise actually is and that you need to work other things around your exercise routine.
2. Choose higher intensity exercises - Doing exercise at a higher intensity will massively boost your results (especially if you're currently doing nothing!). HIIT or High Intensity Interval Training is perfect for busy people, giving you a great workout in just a matter of minutes, while providing the same or better results, so you don't need hours to get a flat stomach.
3. Get more incidental exercise - Challenge yourself in your everyday motions. Don't take the easy way when you're walking around but try a more physically challenging route and if it's a longer route then challenge yourself to do it in the same time as the easy route.

So that's it. But never underestimate the effect that a good nutritional base can have on your ability to get a flat stomach either.