Many employers will actually pay employees to make positive steps towards being healthier and fitter and this is simply because it saves them money in the long term. There are loads of ways to lose weight, even eating honey, but what an employer is more likely to give you the cash bonus for an "acceptable method" like joining a gym or by measurable results
So sure, you can make a few hundred dollars by talking to your boss about health and lifestyle options that may be available to you, why not?
What I find amazing is that people will do just about anything to get out of exercise if it's only themselves they are letting down but when you add in a reasonably small financial incentive it can actually give people that little extra drive to get the results for themselves that they wanted all along.
Whatever works! That's my motto, and if it takes something like a financial incentive to get you started on your goal to lose stomach fat and get sexy abs, then all the best to your success!