It is one of the biggest problems people encounter regarding fat loss and getting a flat stomach!
I kid you not, hormones play a vital role in weight loss, fat loss and just about everything that goes on in your body.
I've written about xenoestrogens before and how they tilt the balance of hormones in your body to make your entire system more estrogen dominant. Well, this is just one of the causes of hormonal imbalances that makes it so hard to get a flat stomach.
The other major cause for hormonal upset other than xenoestrogens in food and chemicals is the production of excess estrogen in the body, usually due to an unbalanced diet containing too many synthetic "foods" and not enough real, raw, vitamin-packed, antioxidant-loaded, fresh, organic meat and veg.
To ensure that you have an easier time with fat loss and your goal to get a flat stomach, it's 100% necessary to eat well by adding variety to your diet. Get the right advice on your food and it can really be easy to make the necessary changes to start reaping the benefits within a week or less!
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