Well, the answer to this, not surprisingly, is that it depends which kind of honey you go for. It is possible to process honey to a significant degree, removing many of it's beneficial properties and thus making it comparable to processed sugar or any other processed food. This is the kind of thing we, obviously, try to avoid with a goal to lose stomach fat.
Raw, pure, unprocessed honey, on the other hand, contains 22 amino acids and a variety of minerals essential for its metabolism. Honey is naturally full of essential vitamins and minerals such as Vitamin B6, Riboflavin, Thiamine, Pantothenic Acid, Calcium, Copper, Potassium, Zinc, Magnesium and Iron. These nutrients are found abundantly in pure raw honey whereas they are found only in trace amounts in processed honey.
Although "pure honey" is filtered to remove impurities such as bees wax from the final product, it is not heat treated like many other commercial honeys and therefore it is loaded with many more beneficial nutrients for fat loss.
How do you know which honey is "pure"?
Pure, raw honey will crystallize, given time, and will therefore be seen to contain some form of solid product within the honey. In this form, the honey may even contain unprocessed pollen with many beneficial properties that will help you lose belly fat.
Be aware and wise when choosing your sweeteners, and if you want to choose honey, make sure you choose pure, raw honey as an alternative to highly processed, "empty" honey.
Image courtesy http://www.moograssfarms.com/images/Honey.jpg