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How To Get A Flat Stomach Without Exercise

Now, if you've read some of my previous posts you would easily come to the realization that I'm a strong believer in exercise not only to help you get a flat belly but also for your health in general. Exercise is beneficial in thousands of ways but it's not always for everyone.
I understand that many people dread exercise with a passion and those are the people who should definitely check out this post.

If  you want to learn how to get a flat stomach without exercise, the best thing you can possibly do is look at 3 aspects of your lifestyle:
  1. Your calorie intake & food sources
  2. Your hormonal levels
  3. Whether or not you have parasites (not the most romantic topic I know)
So let's look at them one by one:

Calorie intake plays a major role in the storage of fat. Too much and you'll start storing excess calories as fat, too little and you'll start storing all the energy available to your body as fat. So you need to maintain a healthy balance with calories. Eat sensibly most of the time, but also allow some treats into your eating plan (preferably low calorie, natural treats).
The other important factor here is food sources. If you want to know how to get a flat stomach without exercise, you will have to focus on getting as many vitamins and minerals from your food as possible. This will result in massive metabolic boosts, not only from good food content, but from avoiding bad food content. It has a double pronged effect towards fat loss!

Your hormone levels are another major player in the fat loss game. Optimally, you want to reduce your exposure to xenoestrogens and balance your hormones to contain more progesterone. Many people have seriously high estrogen levels and comparably low progesterone levels. One way to do this is by eating loads of cruciferous vegetables each day. Another way is to take a specific type of supplement such as wild yam.

Parasites. Not a nice subject. Too many people have them without even knowing it and it leaves them wondering how to get a flat stomach without exercise while totally oblivious to the fact that parasitic organisms are feeding of their nutrients and leaving toxic chemicals as a substitute. This is a big problem (even if you are exercising). Getting rid of them is not as easy as it may seem. Some natural products are available which are very effective. Things like walnuts, pepitas (pumpkin seeds) etc. can help, but it pays to be wildly thorough. If you want to stay parasite free, cook your (fresh) meat well, avoid drinking water you're not sure is clean and do a cleanse when returning from overseas (especially developing countries).

That's it. So now you should have a basic grasp on how to get a flat stomach without exercise. You didn't even have to go jogging. Not so hard is it? :)

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