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How Most Health & Fitness "Gurus" Cheat You Blind (With Ultimately No Results To Show)

The health and fitness industry is enormous. It doesn't take a genius to tell you that there are literally millions of health and fitness "gurus" out there trying to sell you all sorts of junk with absolutely no follow-up or accountability to offer. More than 90% of people don't look after themselves physically, not because they don't want to be fit and healthy, but mainly because they are not in the right frame of mind due to their conditioning on eating and physical activity. These things can be very hard to change, but they don't have to be!
What's more shocking?
90% of the 10% who do "look after themselves" end up failing at their initial health and fitness goals in the long run. This leaves 1 in every hundred people "fit and healthy". No joke.

The major obstacle, you might think, must be food and exercise, right?

The reason that so many people fail to reach their ideal health and fitness goals is because:

a) Unrealistic expectation and lack of commitment (completely psychological)
b) A lack of sound advice and knowledge (too many "gurus" with contradicting stories)
c) Cheat psychology (wanting the quick-fix)

So when you see a commercial on TV or a marketing campaign focused on getting you fit, do not fall into the sales traps of the corporate fitness "gurus" who spend billions each year on learning how to take your money.

Health and fitness is simple:
  1. Find good information and advice suited to you personally
  2. Follow through with accountability to ensure your success  
This is a matter of what you eat, how you eat it and what exercises you engage in etc. But the major, MAJOR obstacle is truly getting the two steps above right in the first place. You can achieve this by finding someone fit and healthy (preferably a professional), getting their advice on your situation and getting a group of like-minded people to form a "social-group-network" which is going to hold you to your goals.

Image sourced:

Top Superfoods For Fat Loss, Health & Backwards Aging

There is not as much talk about these incredible superfoods as I would expect, given their AMAZING potential for fat loss, health, longevity and "backwards aging". Sure we hear a LOT about anti-oxidants in the mainstream media and how they can benefit our health but in all honesty, most of the truly simple superfoods are not often spoken of, mainly due to their lack of marketing potential to big companies.

So here is a list of my top superfoods to accelerate fat loss and make your body an energetic, lean machine!
  • Goji Berries (also known as Wolf Berries), Acai Berries, Blueberries, Elderberries, Blackberries
  • Cinnamon, Cloves, Cardamom, Turmeric, Garlic, Cumin Seeds
  • Kale, Red Onion, Spring Onion
  • Walnuts, Pecan Nuts, Almonds, Pistachios
  • Lentils & Beans
  • Organic, grass-fed meats
  • Broccoli, Cauliflower & Spinach
It's important to realize that the foods listed above are all "super-foods", but the quantities of antioxidants and vitamins and minerals differs with each one. It's also vital to understand that although one superfood like cinnamon has loads of antioxidants (see graph below), it's unlikely that you will eat more than a few teaspoons of it per day as compared with say, lentils of which you could easily eat half a pound or more.
ORAC values of selected super-foods as taken from

These are all amazing foods which you should try to include in your diet as much as possible. Berries and nuts make a great snack food if you get hungry between meals and loads of the others can be used to flavor or garnish your meals regularly. If you do this, you will find fat loss is HEAPS easier and you will get a tonne of health benefits as well.

Image above sourced from

How To Beat Ugly (and DANGEROUS) Abdominal Fat

Not only is excess abdominal fat ugly sitting as a flabby layer on top of your pristine 6 pack abs, that extra fat is actually also dangerous to your health...

It's simple. Abdominal fat is a symptom of poor health. The more you listen to your "consumer mentality" mindset and ignore the "righteous mentality" side, the more you fall into the trap of eating the foods that are well marketed instead of the foods that fuel fat burning processes, and also taste AWESOME!

But this is not just about right and wrong. It's about your lifestyle choices, and how you choose to live. If you listen to the common fantasies about doing crunches and dieting to get flat abs then, like 99% of us, you will fail to reach your goals of abdominal fat loss.

The truth is, it's easy to beat ugly abdominal fat. The exercises are easy and can fit into ANY schedule because they are time effective and adaptable. The food tastes AMAZING and will enrich your life and health more than any starvation diet will ever do.

An easy way to start winning this battle is to start a commitment. Buy at least 2 super-foods which you are going to include in your regular eating and eliminate at least 1 fat-friend-food. Now if you are currently doing some form of exercise, like walking, mix into this just 1 minute of high-intensity exercise. This is an awesome start for anyone trying to beat abdominal fat, not only for the amazing transformation in your looks, but also in your health.

Image sourced from