It's simple. Abdominal fat is a symptom of poor health. The more you listen to your "consumer mentality" mindset and ignore the "righteous mentality" side, the more you fall into the trap of eating the foods that are well marketed instead of the foods that fuel fat burning processes, and also taste AWESOME!
But this is not just about right and wrong. It's about your lifestyle choices, and how you choose to live. If you listen to the common fantasies about doing crunches and dieting to get flat abs then, like 99% of us, you will fail to reach your goals of abdominal fat loss.
The truth is, it's easy to beat ugly abdominal fat. The exercises are easy and can fit into ANY schedule because they are time effective and adaptable. The food tastes AMAZING and will enrich your life and health more than any starvation diet will ever do.
An easy way to start winning this battle is to start a commitment. Buy at least 2 super-foods which you are going to include in your regular eating and eliminate at least 1 fat-friend-food. Now if you are currently doing some form of exercise, like walking, mix into this just 1 minute of high-intensity exercise. This is an awesome start for anyone trying to beat abdominal fat, not only for the amazing transformation in your looks, but also in your health.
Image sourced from http://losefatgut.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/12/getting_rid_of_fat_belly-200x300.png