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How Is Fat Essential For Fat Loss?

Fats get a lot of attention... Always have really. But over the past few decades, there have been some major changes in the way that the general population views fats and our understanding of fats has changed greatly.
We know about all the different types of fats, but do we really?

Well I know for a fact that even if someone does know which foods contain fat and which ones don't, they don't necessarily know whether or not they should eat it...
More importantly... Will it help with their fat loss?

There are tonnes of important things to learn about fats but in general, it's good to hold the understanding that we all HAVE TO eat fats. They are an extremely VITAL part of your health!!

Also, if you're going to remember anything about fats, remember this:
"Foods which contain fat are only good for you if they have had a minimal amount of processing."

So things like raw pecans and walnuts which have loads of "good fat" are absolutely AWESOME for you and will help you burn off excess fat quick-smart if you start eating them regularly.

Are Lean Abs & Cinnamon Closely Related?

If you've done a bit of reading on lean abs lately, then you've made the connection between powerful antioxidants and fat loss.
How many times have you heard that?

Antioxidants are constantly featured on every type of media around us today. TV, Newspapers, Magazines...
The fact is, antioxidants are great for you. What's even better though?
Antioxidant rich foods are absolutely awesome for fat loss and getting lean abs. In fact, a lot of fitness professionals (more and more by the day) swear that antioxidants are essential in the battle for lean abs and a lean body in general.

So no wonder then, that the whole world is in a massive riot bent on finding the foods with the richest antioxidant content. And unlike just about everything else, there is virtually no limit to how much antioxidant rich foods you can eat in terms of them ever having a negative effect on your health.

What about this cinnamon then?
Well, according to, cinnamon has the 3rd highest ORAC value at 267,536!
If you don't know already, ORAC is Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity and is a measure of how potent the antioxidant content of the food is.

That's gotta be worth something right?
The answer is, DEFINITELY! Cinnamon is definitely an extremely powerful food in its ability to get you lean abs. It's also got dozens of other properties that knock other foods dead in terms of health benefits.

"A teaspoon of cinnamon a day keeps the belly fat away!"
In all honesty, this is a great motto and you should follow it if your aim is to lose some tummy fat and get lean abs. Why wouldn't you? The beauty of it is, cinnamon is so easy to include in your daily eating. I mean, who doesn't like cinnamon? I love the stuff. I practically eat it by the bowl full.
It goes great with:

  • Porridge
  • Muesli
  • Teas like chai
  • Apple
  • Berries
  • Anything sweet 
  • Tonnes of other stuff
So if you've neglected some of the exercise tips I've been dishing out and you're not motivated to change very much about your regular diet, eat a bit of cinnamon each day and watch the effects. You'll see what I mean.