Now you may have read my post the other day on top 10 fitness tips which went through some of the best in the fitness industry and what their apparent #1 tip was.
Well, right now I want to summarize that into a #1 most important thing to do for fat loss and to lose stomach fat, get a flat stomach and 6 pack abs if that's your goal. This #1 difference is not only relevant to fitness goals but anything that you want to succeed in really.
So, what's the very most important thing that will more often than not be the defining factor in your success of failure to get a flat stomach?
Is it the exercises you do? The time of day you exercise or eat? The foods you eat? The equipment you have access to? Whether or not you have social support?
Now these things are all important, but the number 1 difference in fat loss is much simpler...
It might not be what you want to hear but it's commitment.
In all honesty, if someone is committed to a task like getting 6 pack abs for example, they will follow through no matter what it takes or what costs may be involved physically, emotionally or financially.
So why then do so many people fail with their health and fitness goals? It's because they lack commitment.
We have so many resources at our fingertips these days, especially with the internet allowing all sorts of information to be instantly transferred.
So for your sake, not mine, re-check your level of commitment to your goals. Are you sure about what you want? Have you got it written down? That's always a big test of someones certainty of their goals. If you're 100% sure about it then I guarantee you will get there.
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